Using Nails in Woodworking

When you began woodworking, whether you’re a beginner or an accomplished artisan, did you expect that you’d use nails in your work? I didn’t. I looked at nails as something too [...]

The Art Director in the Woodshop?

The art director in the woodshop? Yes, it’s my shortcut route to the color printer. But I have stopped a couple of times to actually try some woodworking with some trepidation and lots of [...]

Workbench Design Seminar July 14

Designing or purchasing a good workbench is one of the most vexing problems facing woodworkers. The correct combination of materials, overall dimensions and vises is the difference between a [...]

Workbench Design Seminar July 14

Designing or purchasing a good workbench is one of the most vexing problems facing woodworkers. The correct combination of materials, overall dimensions and vises is the difference between a [...]

Tools for Mortise and Tenon Work

I’m not exactly Norm, but I do have specialty tools that make the job go faster. These tools are solely for mortise and tenon work and are typical of those available in the 18th century. [...]

The Holtzapffel Workbench

Building a workbench is a bit like childbirth. Some benches come into this world like my firstborn did, fighting the entire way and taking twice as long as expected , like the English workbench. [...]

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