First Impressions

The old saying goes you only have one chance to make a first impression, and digging into putting together the new Steel City Table saw I found myself impressed. The steel tube crate was bolted [...]

Early Arrival

Like everyone else, when we order a new machine, we never know exactly when it’s coming. I got word yesterday afternoon that Steel City Toolworks had shipped us a new table saw for us to [...]

Weekend in Rochester

The Rochester Woodworkers Society was kind enought to invite me to speak to their members this coming Friday night, and to give a day-long workshop on Saturday. I’m looking forward to the [...]

Some Details on Sash Saws

Sash saws are a bit of a mystery to the modern-day woodworker. These saws show up in early catalogs and inventories of cabinetmaker’s possessions, but that’s about all you get. [...]

Too Much Time with Mr. Anderson I Fear

So I like my wagon vise quite a bit and have been giving it a nice workout during the last week or so. I think it’s a keeper. (And good thing, considering the massive chasm in the [...]

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