Learn to Sand Panels

Pattern 1: Work each board in the glue-up separately. Work along the grain in short strokes, back and forth. Editor’s Note: Troy Sexton has prepared an excellent piece on his sanding [...]

Inside the Grizzly Tent Sale

And they are off. The guy in green with the two kids were the first through the gate. I was hoping to find out what they waited eight hours for but couldn’t find them during the sale. I [...]

November is Almost Here

Working for a magazine can cause some confusion about dates. We work a few months ahead of real time. We’re about to send the December issue to the printer, and are working on February. So [...]

Wagon Vise, Version 4.0

The best thing about this weblog (besides attending the endless cocaine parties) is getting to hear the opinions of other woodworkers. After posting photos of the wagon vise I adapted from the [...]

The Agony of De Feet

Our shop here at Popular Woodworking is one of the most pleasant shops I’ve ever worked in. There’s an abundance of natural light, it’s well equpped, and it’s [...]

Learn to Sand a Door

Editor’s note: Contributing Editor Troy Sexton is remarkably good with a sander. What is even more remarkable is how fast he is. Our November issue (at the printer’s now!) features a [...]

The Price of Admission Keeps Dropping

If you have ever sharpened a hand tool or tried to teach someone to sharpen a hand tool, there are a lot of mental and physical obstacles to overcome. One of the biggest problems comes when [...]

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