A Square Nail and a Round Tool

One of the themes coursing through the next issue of Woodworking Magazine is rethinking the role of nails in woodworking. And so I’ve been whacking a lot of cut nails lately and setting [...]

The Best $25 You've Ever Spent?

These last few weeks I’ve been deep in another spate of chairmaking. If you’ve ever built a Windsor chair, you know that they are a great antidote to making cabinets. All the hand [...]

Le livre de Roubo est arrive – un peu

On Saturday our postman left a note: There was a package for me, but they couldn’t leave it at my house. I had to go to the Post Office and sign for it personally. I’m annoyed (and a [...]

Finding Roubo via Canada

With all the woodworking books and magazines out there, it’s a bit surprising that we need any more. But we do. Nearly every woodworking book and magazine that gets published eventually [...]

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