There’s an adage that cherry is the wood that comes with a built-in stain. All you have to do is apply a clear topcoat and watch its rich color develop during the following years. Of [...]
When I built the Roubo-style workbench for the Fall 2005 issue, the idea was to make it as accessible and affordable as possible. I think we succeeded. The bench cost about $225 to build and took [...]
Securing large pieces of work to the front face of your workbench is always a challenge. A face vise can hold one corner of large work, but the other end is free to swing about. This can be [...]
We’re deep into producing issue five of Woodworking Magazine right now. We have cherry boards basking in the sun this afternoon and I’m trying to finish up some historical research on [...]
Question: I’ve been using sawhorses and an old door for a few years and curse every time I start a project that I need a real bench. So I’ve been mulling over my options for some time [...]